Septimus Andrews

Surname: Andrews
Other names: Septimus
Other people in this story:
Robert Andrews
Jane Andrews (nee Hiscock)
Mary Susanna Locke
Locations in this story:
Alvediston, Wiltshire
Merthyr Tydfil, Glamorgan, Wales
Trelewis, Gelligaer, Glamorgan, Wales
Tolland, Hampshire
Burton Lazers, Leicestershire
France & Flanders
Melton Mowbray, Leicestershire

Septimus Andrews was born in Alvesdiston, Wiltshire, on 1 Sep 1871 and baptised there on 24 Dec 1871 the son of Robert Andrews and Jane Andrews (nee Hiscock).  He spent his early life with the family at Church Farm, Alvediston, until by 1891 he had moved to Trelewis, Gelligaer, Glamorgan, for work as a Coal Miner.  His marriage to Mary Susanna Locke was recorded at Merthyr Tydfil, Glamorgan, in 1891.   He enlisted on 11 Jan 1895 and joined the Royal Garrison Artillery as a Gunner (Service No. 7896).  By 1901 he was based at Tolland, Hampshire, and was employed as an officer's coachman.  He was noted as being single in the Census records for that year and this remained part of his record thereafter.  He served in the UK throughout until discharged on 10 Jan 1907.   By 1911 he was working as a Servant and Groom and living over the Stables at The Mansion, Burton Lazers, Leicestershire.  He re-enlisted with the Royal Garrison Artillery at the outbreak of war (Service Nos. SK/3330 & 278330).  He served in France and Flanders from 8 Mar 1915 with the 123rd Heavy Battery but was declared unfit for further service and discharged on 21 Nov 1918 with a pension which ended in 1924.  He was awarded the Silver War Badge No. B42218, the Victory and British War Medals as well as the 1915 Star.   By the time of the 1939 Register he was living at The Post Office & Stores, Thorn Satchville, Melton Mowbray, Leicestershire, working as a General Labourer.   His death was recorded in Melton Mowbray during 1946.


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