George Tuffin

Surname: Tuffin
Other names: George
Other people in this story:
Alfred Tuffin
Laura Luena Tuffin
Emily Maggie Lauretta Tuffin née Gamlin
Harry Frank Tuffin
Locations in this story:
Sutton Waldron, Dorset
Shaftesbury, Dorset
Bath, Somerset
Thiepval, France
Rouen, France
Warrington, Lancashire
St. James, Shaftesbury

George Tuffin was born on 9th August 1893 at Sutton Waldron, Dorset, and baptised there on 1st October 1893, the son of Alfred and Laura Luena Tuffin. George enlisted as a Private with the 3rd Battalion of the Dorsetshire Regiment on 31st December 1912 (Service No. 9499). He was posted to France on 16 Aug 1914 during which time he was wounded and marked as missing on 26th August 1914 but later found unconscious in a shell hole. He remained in hospital until 13th September 1914. Again he received gunshot wounds to the scalp in a battle near Thiepval on 18th June 1916 which caused partial paralysis of his right arm. He was sent to a hospital in Rouen, France and later repatriated to a Military Hospital in Warrington, Lancashire. He was discharged as being physically unfit for further service due to the paralysis on 9th May 1917. He was awarded the Victory, British Medals and the 1914/15 Star as well as the Silver War Badge No. 172240.

Whilst recovering from his wounds he had married Emily Maggie Lauretta Gamlin at Sutton Waldron on 27th September 1916. Emily lived temporarily at 21 St. James, Shaftesbury, Dorset. They went on to have three children. The 1921 Census shows he was living at Vale Farm Cottages, Sutton Waldron, working as a Ploughman. By the 1939 Register, George had moved to 1 Lambridge Street, Bath, Somerset, working as a Farm Carter. He later moved to 8 Daffodil Buildings, larkhall, Bath where he died on 1st November 1989 at the age of 96 years.

George's brother Harry Frank died on 26th September 1918, while serving with the Dorsetshire Regiment in France.

Source: Based on previous research by Ken Baxter.


Links to related web content / sources:
The National Archives
Harry Frank Tuffin