Sidney George Nobbs

Surname: Nobbs
Other names: Sidney George
Other people in this story:
William Walter Nobbs
Sarah Ann Nobbs (nee Gordge)
Julia M. A. Focketyn
Locations in this story:
Charlton, Donhead St. Mary, Wiltshire
Shaftesbury, Dorset
Chatham, Kent
Poole, Dorset
Gloucester, Gloucestershire
Bournemouth, Hampshire

Sidney George Nobbs was born in Charlton, Donhead St. Mary, Wiltshire, on 21 Jan 1891 and baptised there on 15 Feb 1891 the son of William Walter Nobbs and Sarah Ann Nobbs (nee Gordge).  He lived most of his early life at the School House, Charlton, Donhead St. Mary, where his father was the local Schoolmaster.   He received some of his education at Shaftesbury Grammar School, Shaftesbury, which he left in 1907.   In 1912 he emigrated to Canada and obtain work as a Water Baliff but by 27 Oct 1914 had returned to the UK where he enlisted with the Royal Navy as a Signaller (Service No. Z/637).  He received his training at Chatham, Kent, before taking up duties at sea.  He was discharged on 2 Apr 1919 and awarded the Victory and British War Medals as well as the 1915 Star.  In the 1921 Census he is shown visiting the UK and staying in accommodation at 8 Waverley Road, Bournemouth, Hampshire, described as a Water Baliff. He obviously remained in the country as he married Julia M.A. Focketyn in Shaftesbury, Dorset, in 1923.   By the time of the 1939 Register he was living at 247 High Street, Poole, Dorset, working as a Commercial Traveller.  He died in Gloucester, Gloucestershire, on 9 Sep 1983 where he had moved to live.


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