Names on East Knoyle War Memorial

Percy Lyulph Wyndham

Surname: Wyndham
Other names: Percy Lyulph
Other people in this story:
George Wyndham
Sibell Mary Wyndham née Lumley
Locations in this story:
Saighton Grange, Chester
La Ferte-Sous-Jouarre Memorial, Ile-de-France, France
Park Lane, London
St. George's, Hanover Square, London, W.1.

Percy Lyulph Wyndham was born on 5th December, 1887 at Saighton Grange, Chester. He was the son of Rt. Hon George Wyndham M.P. and Sibell Mary Wyndham, Countess Grosvenor (nee Lumley). Percy enlisted in the Coldstream Guards in 1909 and was commissioned as a Lieutenant in May, 1910. At the time of the 1911 Census he was living at 35 Park Lane, London, W.1. He married Diana Lister (the daughter of Lord Ribblesdale) at St. George's, Hanover Square, London, on 17th April, 1913. There were no children of the marriage. In the same year Percy's father died. He was awarded the Victory, British War and 1914 Star medals. He was missing presumed killed in action whilst serving with the 11 Guards Brigade at the Battle of Aisne, Near Soissons, France, on 9th September 1914 and his name appears on La Ferte-Sous-Jouarre Memorial, Ile-de-France, France. He is remembered on the East Knoyle War Memorial.    

  • East Knoyle War Memorial

Links to related web content / sources:
Commonwealth War Graves Commission
The National Archives
Ebbesbourne Wake Memorial 06

Leonard Frank Cecil Arnold

Surname: Arnold
Other names: Leonard Frank Cecil
Other people in this story:
Cecil North Arnold
Sarah Alice Arnold née Seary
Basil Wilfred Henry Arnold
Locations in this story:
Bulford, Wiltshire
Delhi War Memorial (India Gate)
The Vicarage, Ebbesbourne Wake, Wiltshire
Ebbesbourne Wake, Wiltshire
Jardola Cemetery No6, India.
Palosena, Waziristan
Cranleigh School, Cranleigh, Surrey

Leonard Frank Cecil Arnold was born on 6th November, 1897 in Bulford, Wiltshire, and baptised there on 5th December, 1897. He was the son of Rev. Cecil North Arnold, a Clergyman, and Sarah Alice Arnold (née Seary). At the time of the 1911 Census he was a boarder at Cranleigh School, Cranleigh, Surrey, whilst the rest of the family were living at The Vicarage, Ebbesbourne Wake, Wiltshire, where Leonard's father had become Rector. Leonard had joined the Public Schools Battalion as Bugler when attending Cranleigh School but he later enlisted on 21st November, 1914 and joined the Royal Navy as an Ordinary Seaman (Service No. Z/920). He was transferred back to the Public Schools (Hawke) Battalion, 'D' Company which eventually became part of the London Regiment. During his time in the military he had many medical problems and was frequently invalided home for treatment but eventually on 19th December 1916 he was well enough to take up a temporary commission as 2nd Lieutenant with the 3rd London Regiment attached to the 82nd Punjabis in India. He was awarded the Military Cross for his actions in an attack on the enemy on 2nd July, 1918, as well as being Mentioned in Despatches. There are unsubstantiated comments on his medal roll that he was appointed a 1st Lieutenant or even Captain - but these might have been field appointment only. He was killed in action at Palosena, Waziristan, on 21st December 1919, and buried in Jardola Cemetery No. 6, India. Other than the Military Cross he was awarded the Victory, British war and 1915 Star medals. His name is remembered on the Delhi War Memorial (India Gate) (Face 23), and on the Cranleigh School Roll of Honour. He is remembered locally on the Ebbesbourne Wake War Memorial.  His brother, Basil Wilfred Henry Arnold, also served but with the Royal Air Force and survived the conflict.

  • Those Who Fell on Ebbesbourne Wake Memorial 2
  • Those Who Served on Ebbesbourne Wake Memorial
  • Ebbesbourne Wake Memorial 07
  • Ebbesbourne Wake Memorial 05
  • Ebbesbourne Wake Memorial 04
  • Those Who Fell on Ebbesbourne Wake Memorial

Links to related web content / sources:
Commonwealth War Graves Commission
The National Archives
Ebbesbourne Wake Memorial 05

H. J. Bennett

Surname: Bennett
Other names: H. J.
Other people in this story:
Herbert James Bennett
Locations in this story:
Ebbesbourne Wake, Wiltshire
Sixpenny Handley, Dorset

The name H.J. Bennett appears on the Ebbesbourne Wake War Memorial. It is possible that this may be Herbert James Bennett who was born at Sixpenny Handley in 1893. We cannot be sure that this is the same man, as no record of his military service can be found at present. We would be grateful to anyone who may be able to provide information that would help us identify him and his connection to Ebbesbourne Wake.

  • Those Who Fell on Ebbesbourne Wake Memorial
  • Those Who Served on Ebbesbourne Wake Memorial
  • Ebbesbourne Wake Memorial 07
  • Ebbesbourne Wake Memorial 06
  • Ebbesbourne Wake Memorial 04
  • Those Who Fell on Ebbesbourne Wake Memorial 2

Links to related web content / sources:
Commonwealth War Graves Commission
The National Archives
Those Who Fell on Ebbesbourne Wake Memorial

Charles Brownsey

Surname: Brownsey
Other names: Charles
Other people in this story:
George Brownsey
Henrietta Celia Brownsey née James
Locations in this story:
Trent, Somerset
France & Flanders
Bedford House Cemetery, Yores, West Flanders, Belgium
Winton, Christchurch, Hampshire
East Meon, Petersfield, Hampshire
Ebbesbourne Wake, Wiltshire
Devizes, Wiltshire

Charles Brownsey was born in the final quarter of 1878 in Trent, Somerset. He was the son of George Brownsey, a Labourer, and Henrietta Celia Brownsey (née James). At the time of the 1901 Census he was single, working as bus driver and boarding out with a family in Winton, Christchurch, Hampshire. His mother died in 1905. By the 1911 Census he was working as a farm labourer and living with his sister's family at Horsedown Cottages, East Meon, near Petersfield, Hampshire. He enlisted in Devizes, Wiltshire and joined the 8th (City of London) Battalion of the Post Office Rifles (Service No. 8591). He served in France & Flanders and at the time of his death held the rank of Rifleman. He was awarded the Victory and British War medals. He died on 18th February 1917 and was buried at Bedford House Cemetery, Ypres, West Flanders, Belgium (grave id. Enclosure No.4 I.E.13). He is remembered on the Ebbesbourne Wake War Memorial.

  • Those Who Fell on Ebbesbourne Wake Memorial 2
  • Those Who Served on Ebbesbourne Wake Memorial
  • Ebbesbourne Wake Memorial 07
  • Ebbesbourne Wake Memorial 06
  • Ebbesbourne Wake Memorial 05
  • Ebbesbourne Wake Memorial 04

Links to related web content / sources:
Commonwealth War Graves Commission
The National Archives
Those Who Fell on Ebbesbourne Wake Memorial 2

Reginald George Dimmer

Surname: Dimmer
Other names: Reginald George
Other people in this story:
George Edward Dimmer
Kate Elizabeth Dimmer née Foyle
Locations in this story:
Bowerchalke, Wiltshire
France & Flanders
Menin Gate Memorial, Ypres, West Flanders, Belgium
Topp Hill, Ebbesbourne Wake, Wiltshire

Reginald George Dimmer was born on 12th April, 1897 in Bowerchalke, Wiltshire, and baptised there on 13th May, 1897. He was the son of George Edward Dimmer, a carter working on a farm, and Kate Elizabeth Dimmer (née Foyle). At the time of the 1911 Census he was single, working as a Farm Hand and living at Topp Hill, Ebbesbourne Wake, Wiltshire. He enlisted in Salisbury as a Private in the 2nd Battalion of the Duke of Edinburgh's (Wiltshire) Regiment (Service No. 33230). He served in France & Flanders and was awarded the Victory and British War medals. He died on 30th July 1917 and his name appears on the Menin Gate Memorial, Ypres, West Flanders, Belgium (Panel 53). He is remembered on the Ebbesbourne Wake War Memorial.

  • Those Who Fell on Ebbesbourne Wake Memorial
  • Those Who Served on Ebbesbourne Wake Memorial
  • Ebbesbourne Wake Memorial 07
  • Ebbesbourne Wake Memorial 06
  • Ebbesbourne Wake Memorial 05
  • Ebbesbourne Wake Memorial 04

Links to related web content / sources:
Commonwealth War Graves Commission
The National Archives
Ebbesbourne Wake Memorial 07

Henry George Hardiman

Surname: Hardiman
Other names: Henry George
Other people in this story:
William Hardiman
Sarah Ann Hardiman nee Coombs
Bertram John Hardiman
Locations in this story:
Pound Street, Ebbesbourne Wake, Wiltshire
Gallipoli, Turkey
Helles Memorial, Gallipoli, Turkey
The Cross, Ebbesbourne Wake, Wiltshire
Ebbesbourne Wake, Wiltshire

Henry George Hardiman was born on 10th April, 1881 in Ebbesbourne Wake, Wiltshire. He was the son of William Hardiman, a farm labourer, and Sarah Ann Hardiman (nee Coombs). At the time of the 1911 Census he was single, living in Pound Street, Ebbesbourne Wake and working as a Farm Labourer. His mother died in 1913. He enlisted in Devizes, Wiltshire, as a Private and joined the 5th Battalion of the Duke of Edinburgh's (Wiltshire) Regiment (Service No. 18773). He served at Gallipoli and was awarded the Victory, British War and 1915 Star medals. He died on 10th August 1915 and his name appears on the Helles Memorial, Gallipoli, Turkey (Panel 156 to 158). At the time of his death his father was next of kin and living at The Cross, Ebbesbourne Wake. Henry is remembered on the Ebbesbourne Wake War Memorial.   His brother, Bertram John Hardiman, served and survived the conflict.

  • Those Who Fell on Ebbesbourne Wake Memorial
  • Those Who Served on Ebbesbourne Wake Memorial
  • Ebbesbourne Wake Memorial 06
  • Ebbesbourne Wake Memorial 05
  • Ebbesbourne Wake Memorial 04
  • Those Who Fell on Ebbesbourne Wake Memorial 2

Links to related web content / sources:
Commonwealth War Graves Commission
The National Archives
Ebbesbourne Wake Memorial 06

Frederick Powell

Surname: Powell
Other names: Frederick
Other people in this story:
Sarah Ann Powell
George Powell
Locations in this story:
Ebbesbourne Wake, Wiltshire
France & Flanders
Bailleul Communal Cemetery Extension, Bailleul, Nord, France
Pound Street, Ebbesbourne Wake, Wiltshire
Devizes, Wiltshire

Frederick Powell was born on 28th February, 1897 in Ebbesbourne Wake, Wiltshire. His mother was Sarah Ann Powell (there was no father named on his birth certificate). Frederick lived with his grandparents in Pound Street, Ebbesbourne Wake. His mother died at Ebbesbourne Wake in 1910 and was buried there on 24th May, 1910. At the time of the 1911 Census he was single, working as a Farm Labourer and living with his grandmother, a widow, at Pound Street. His grandmother died in 1916.

Frederick enlisted in Devizes, Wiltshire, as a Private and joined the 2nd Battalion of the Duke of Edinburgh's (Wiltshire) Regiment (Service No. 25688). He served in France & Flanders and was awarded the Victory and British War medals. He died of wounds on 28th August 1917 and was buried at Bailleul Communal Cemetery Extension, Bailleul, Nord, France (grave id. III.E.217). He is remembered on the Ebbesbourne Wake War Memorial. His only living relative at the time was his Uncle, George Powell, living in Pound Street, Ebbesbourne Wake.

  • Those Who Fell on Ebbesbourne Wake Memorial 2
  • Those Who Served on Ebbesbourne Wake Memorial
  • Ebbesbourne Wake Memorial 07
  • Ebbesbourne Wake Memorial 05
  • Ebbesbourne Wake Memorial 04
  • Those Who Fell on Ebbesbourne Wake Memorial

Links to related web content / sources:
Commonwealth War Graves Commission
The National Archives
Names on Ludwell War Memorial 1

Percy Albert Aish

Surname: Aish
Other names: Percy Albert
Other people in this story:
Albert Aish
Ann Aish née Pike
Locations in this story:
Tisbury, Wiltshire
Alexandria, Egypt
Alexandria (Hadra) War Memorial Cemetery
Home Farm, Charlton, Ludwell, Wiltshire
Ludwell, Wiltshire
Agagia, Egypt
St. Mary's Church, Sherborne
Shaftesbury Grammar School, Shaftesbury, Dorset

Percy Albert Aish was born in 1893 in the registration district of Tisbury and baptised at Donhead St Mary on 1st Oct 1893. He was the son of Albert Aish, a farmer, and Ann Aish (née Pike). Percy attended Shaftesbury Grammar School between 1907 and 1909. After leaving school he became a farmer with his father. In the 1911 Census Albert and Ann were living at Home Farm, Charlton, Ludwell, Wiltshire, but Percy was not listed.

He enlisted at Charlton and joined the 1st Dorset (Queen's Own) Yeomanry with service No. 559. In time he transferred to the 1st Battalion of the Corps of Hussars (Service no. 230040) and went to Egypt in 1915, taking part in the Battle of Agagia and the Palestine campaign. At the time of his death held the rank of Corporal. While at Alexandria he caught a fever and died on 23rd October 1918 in No.19 General Hospital. He was buried at the Alexandria (Hadra) War Memorial Cemetery, Alexandria (grave id. E.56). He was awarded the Victory, British War and 1915 Star medals. He is remembered on the War Memorial at Ludwell and on the memorial at Shaftesbury School. His name also appears on the memorial to the Comrades of the Queens Own Dorset Yeomanry in St. Mary's Church, Sherborne.

A "First List of Old Shastonians Serving in H.M. Forces" was produced by Shaftesbury Grammar School in September 1915. It shows the regiment in which Percy served and the date and term in which he left school. His name was also included on a hand written list of Shaftesbury Grammar School old boys serving during the war. An asterix can be seen next to Percy's name, indicating that he had died. The board is now at Gold Hill Museum.

Printed Sources:
Shaftesbury Grammar School Magazine, March 1919
First List of Old Shastonians Serving in H.M. Forces, September 1915

  • Ludwell War Memorial
  • Shaftesbury Grammar School War Memorial
  • List of Old Shastonians 1
  • List of Old Shastonians 2
  • Shaftesbury Grammar School Old Boys 1
  • Shaftesbury Grammar School Old Boys 2

Links to related web content / sources:
Commonwealth War Graves Commission
The National Archives
Ludwell War Memorial

Arthur James Biddiscombe

Surname: Biddiscombe
Other names: Arthur James
Other people in this story:
Henry Biddiscombe
Emma Foot Biddiscombe née Smart
Ernest John Biddiscombe
Locations in this story:
Donhead St. Mary, Wiltshire
France & Flanders
Menin Gate Memorial, Ypres, Flanders
Salisbury Road, Donhead St. Mary, Wiltshire
Ludwell, Wiltshire
Pembroke Dock Barracks, Pembroke, Wales

Arthur James Biddiscombe was born in 1877 in Donhead St. Mary, Wiltshire, and baptised there on 26th August, 1877. He was the son of Henry Biddiscombe, a Builder, and Emma Foot Biddiscombe (née Smart). At the time of the 1911 Census his parents were living in Salisbury Road, Donhead St. Mary, Wiltshire. Arthur had by this time enlisted in Cardiff and joined the 2nd Battalion of the Welch Regiment (Service No. 8116) and the 1911 Census shows him based at Pembroke Dock Barracks, Pembroke, Wales. At the time of his death held the rank of Lance Corporal. He served in France & Flanders and was awarded the Victory, British War and 1914 Star medals and clasp. He died on 6th November 1914 and his name appears on the Menin Gate Memorial, Ypres (Panel 37). He is remembered on the War Memorial at Ludwell. Arthur's brother Ernest John (b.1879) also served in the war, with the Royal Engineers. Their father died in 1915 and their mother in 1922.

  • Names on Ludwell War Memorial 2

Links to related web content / sources:
Commonwealth War Graves Commission
The National Archives
Ernest John Biddiscombe
Names on Ludwell War Memorial 3

Samuel Blandford

Surname: Blandford
Other names: Samuel
Other people in this story:
James Blandford
Bertha Blandford née Turner
Locations in this story:
Donhead St. Mary, Wiltshire
Pieta Military Cemetery, Triq id-Duluri, Malta
Charlton, Ludwell, Wiltshire
Shaftesbury, Dorset

Samuel Blandford was born in 1896 in Donhead St. Mary and baptised there on 5th July, 1896. He was the son of James Blandford and Bertha Blandford (née Turner), a Laundress. At the time of the 1911 Census he was single, working as a Gamekeeper and living at Charlton, Ludwell, Wiltshire. He enlisted in Shaftesbury, Dorset, on 31st August, 1914, and joined the 5th Battalion of the Dorsetshire Regiment (Service No. 10289) and on 10th May, 1915 was promoted to the rank of Lance Corporal. He was posted to the Dardanelles area on 1st July, 1915, and, despite being fully inoculated in November, 1914, he died of Enteric Fever in a Military Hospital on Malta on 22nd September, 1915. He was awarded the Victory, British War and 1915 Star medals. He was buried at Pieta Military Cemetery, Triq id-Duluri, Malta (grave id. B.XIII.3). He is remembered on the war memorial at Ludwell.

  • Ludwell War Memorial

Links to related web content / sources:
Commonwealth War Graves Commission
The National Archives