Enmore Green, The Knapp

Frank Phillips

Surname: Phillips
Other names: Frank
Other people in this story:
Edward George Phillips
Edith Phillips née White
Lucy Alice Phillips née Morgan
James Phillips
Frederick William Phillips
Albert Charles Phillips
Locations in this story:
Enmore Green, Shaftesbury, Dorset
Wardour, Tisbury, Wiltshire
Tisbury, Wiltshire
Braishfield, Romsey, Hampshire
Salisbury, Wiltshire

Frank Phillips was born in Enmore Green, Shaftesbury, Dorset on 22 May 1885, the son of Edward George Phillips and Edith Phillips (née White). By 1901 he was living at Wardour, Tisbury, Wiltshire. He enlisted with the Duke of Edinburgh's (Wiltshire) Regiment on 28th March 1901 (Service No. 6635). He transferred to the Royal Field Artillery on 3rd November 1902 (Service No. 27222) until discharged to the reserves on 2nd November 1905. He was mobilized on 5th August 1914 and served in France from 19 Aug 1914 and later discharged on 9th November 1915 having completed his term of service. He married Lucy Alice Morgan at Tisbury on 1st February 1916 but was later recalled to duty the same year and served through until demobilization on 19th February 1919 with the rank of Bombardier. He was awarded the Victory and British War medals as well as the 1914 Star. The 1921 Census shows him living at Newport House, Braishfield, Romsey, Hampshire, working as a Farm Labourer. By the time of the 1939 Register he had moved to 112 Hindon Lane, Tisbury, Wiltshire, where he worked as a Cowman. His death was recorded in Salisbury, Wiltshire, during 1948.

Three of Frank's siblings served in the First World War: Frederick William (b.1875) with the Dorsetshire Regiment; Albert Charles (b.1877) with the Dorsetshire Regiment and the South Wales Borderers. The youngest James (b.1886) died on 21st October 1914 while serving in France with the Wiltshire Regiment.

Source: Based on previous research by Ken Baxter.


Links to related web content / sources:
The National Archives
Albert Charles Phillips
James Phillips
Frederick William Phillips