Elsie Laura Mary Hannam

Surname: Hannam
Other names: Elsie Laura Mary
Other people in this story:
William Hannam
Mary A. Hannam
Harry Horace Harris
Locations in this story:
Henstridge, Somerset
Tisbury, Wiltshire
Ludwell, Donhead, St. Mary, Wiltshire
Sturminster, Dorset
Chilmark, Wiltshire

Elsie Laura Mary Hannam was born in Henstridge, Somerset, on 15 Oct 1888 and baptised there on 11 Nov 1888 the daughter of William Hannam and Mary A. Hannam.  She lived her early life in Henstridge.    She was living at Ridge Farm, Chilmark, Wiltshire, at the time of hostilities in 1914 and volunteered in Feb 1915 for the Voluntary Aid Detachment becoming a Nurse at the Auxiliary Hospital based at the Vicarage, Tisbury, Wiltshire.  She worked through until the unit closed in 1919.  The 1921 Census shows her living with her widowed mother at Ridge Farm, Chilmark, Wilthsire, where she carried out home duties. Her marriage to Harry Horace Harris was recorded in the Tisbury, Wiltshire, Registry in 1924.  Regrettably her husband died on 10 Jan 1930.  By the time of the 1939 Register she was living at Birdbush Farm, Ludwell, Donhead St. Mary, Wiltshire, widowed and helping a relative who was the farmer.   Her death was recorded in the Sturminster, Dorset, Registry during 1954.


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