Park Walk War Memorial 4

William Edwin Large

Surname: Large
Other names: William Edwin
Other people in this story:
Frederick William Large
Ellen Large née Alner
Locations in this story:
France & Flanders
Heilly Station Cemetery, Mericourt-L'Abbe, Somme, France
Bell Street, Shaftesbury
St. Peter's Church, Shaftesbury
Holy Trinity Church, Shaftesbury

William Edwin Large was born in 1883 in Shaftesbury, Dorset, and baptised at Holy Trinity Church on 20th May, 1883. (On all the Census records he is known in the family as Edwin, although the army records show his full name, William Edwin.) He was the son of Frederick William Large, a house painter, and Ellen Large (née Alner). At the time of the 1911 Census he was single, working as a house painter and living at 22 Bell Street, Shaftesbury. He enlisted as a Private in the 2nd Battalion of the Royal Sussex Regiment (Service No. G/11252). He served in France and Flanders and was awarded the Victory and British War medals. He died on 10th September 1916 whilst being treated at the 88th Casualty Clearing Station for wounds received in battle on the Somme and was buried at Heilly Station Cemetery, Mericourt-L'Abbe, Somme, France (grave id. IV.C.4). He is remembered on the Park Walk War Memorial and on the Holy Trinity Memorial, now in St. Peter's Church, Shaftesbury.  His mother received a pension as a result of his death paid until her death on 21 Dec 1925.

  • Names on Park Walk War Memorial 2
  • Park Walk War Memorial 1
  • Holy Trinity Memorial in St. Peter's Church 3
  • Holy Trinity Memorial in St. Peter's Church 2
  • Holy Trinity Memorial in St. Peter's Church 1

Links to related web content / sources:
Commonwealth War Graves Commission
The National Archives
Shaftesbury Park Walk War Memorial 02

Sidney Rex Lawson

Surname: Lawson
Other names: Sidney Rex
Other people in this story:
Thomas James Lawson
Mary Jane Lawson née Kirkup
Locations in this story:
Morpeth, Northumberland
France & Flanders
Torreken Farm Cemetery No 1, Heuvelland, West Flandser
Cresswell Terrace, Newbiggin by the Sea, Northumberland
St. Peter's Church, Shaftesbury
Holy Trinity Church, Shaftesbury

Sidney Rex Lawson was born in December 1893 in Morpeth, Northumberland. He was the son of Thomas James Lawson, a house carpenter, and Mary Jane Lawson (née Kirkup). At the time of the 1911 Census, Sidney was working as a house carpenter and living at Cresswell Terrace, Newbiggin by the Sea, Northumberland.    He enlisted in Shaftesbury with the 5th Battalion of the Dorsetshire Regiment (Service No. 16466) and at the time of his death he held the rank of Sergeant. He served in France and Flanders and was awarded the Victory and British War medals. He died on 18th June 1917 and was buried at Torreken Farm Cemetery No 1, Heuvelland, West Flanders, Belgium (grave id. A.1). He is remembered on the Park Walk War Memorial. He also appears as "E.Rex Lawson" and on the Holy Trinity Memorial, now in St. Peter's Church, Shaftesbury.  His mother received his effects following his death as his sole legatee.  

  • Names on Park Walk War Memorial 2
  • Holy Trinity Memorial in St. Peter's Church 3
  • Holy Trinity Memorial in St. Peter's Church 2
  • Holy Trinity Memorial in St. Peter's Church 1

Links to related web content / sources:
Commonwealth War Graves Commission
The National Archives
Plymouth Naval Memorial 4

Gilbert John Maidment

Surname: Maidment
Other names: Gilbert John
Other people in this story:
William Gilbert Maidment
Ellen Caroline Maidment née Sheppard
Rose Mary Maidment
Locations in this story:
St. Leonard's Church, Semley, Wiltshire
Plymouth Naval Memorial
Oysters Cottages, Semley
Shaftesbury, Dorset
St. Catherine's Churchyard, Sedgehill
St. James, Shaftesbury

Gilbert John Maidment was born on 5th April, 1900 in Sedgehill, Wiltshire and baptised there on 17th June, 1900. He was the son of William Gilbert Maidment, a farm labourer, and Ellen Caroline Maidment (née Sheppard). At the time of the 1911 Census he was single, a scholar and living at Oysters Cottages, Semley. He enlisted on 18th October 1915 as a Boy 1st Class in the Royal Navy (Service No. J//45254) and was posted to HMS Impregnable for training. He died at sea aboard HMS Indefatigable at the Battle of Jutland on 31st May 1916 at 16 years of age. His name appears on the Plymouth Naval Memorial (Panel 13). His ship was part of the first wave of the Battle Cruiser Fleet and was the third ship to be sunk that day with the loss of 1017 lives and only two survivors who themselves were taken prisoner. When his mother was notified of his death she was living at 53, St. Andrew's Yard, St. James Street, Shaftesbury. He was awarded the Victory and British War Medals. He is remembered on the Park Walk and St. James’ War Memorials. He also appears on the Roll of Honour in St. James’ Church and on the Holy Trinity Memorial, now in St. Peter's Church, Shaftesbury.

Gilbert's name was included on the Semley Baptist Chapel plaque, now in St. Leonard's Church, Semley. When his sister Rose Mary Maidment died in 1923 a memorial to Gilbert was inscribed on her headstone in St. Catherine's churchyard, Sedgehill:

  • Names on Park Walk War Memorial 2
  • Park Walk War Memorial 1
  • Names on St. James' War Memorial 2
  • St. James' Roll of Honour
  • St. James' War Memorial
  • Gilbert John Maidment memorial 2
  • Gilbert John Maidment memorial 1
  • Semley Baptist Chapel Plaque
  • Holy Trinity Memorial in St. Peter's Church 3
  • Holy Trinity Memorial in St. Peter's Church 2
  • Holy Trinity Memorial in St. Peter's Church 1
  • Plymouth Naval Memorial 5
  • Plymouth Naval Memorial 3
  • G.J. Maidment on Plymouth Naval Memorial 1
  • G.J. Maidment on Plymouth Naval Memorial 2

Links to related web content / sources:
Commonwealth War Graves Commission
The National Archives
Park Walk War Memorial 3

Ernest John Foot

Surname: Foot
Other names: Ernest John
Other people in this story:
William Foot
Sarah Emily Foot nee Hoskings
Locations in this story:
France & Flanders
Gordon Dump Cemetery, Ovillers-La Boisselle, Somme, France
Salisbury Street, Shaftesbury
St. Peter's Church, Shaftesbury
Holy Trinity Church, Shaftesbury

Ernest John Foot was born on 9th June, 1892 in Shaftesbury and baptised at Holy Trinity Church on 10th July, 1892. He was the son of William Foot, a postman, and Sarah Emily Foot (nee Hoskings). At the time of the 1911 Census he was single, working as a cabinet maker and living at 50 Salisbury Street, Shaftesbury. He enlisted as a Gunner in the Royal Field Artillery (Service No. 238241). He served in France and Flanders and was awarded the Victory and British War medals. He died on 27th August 1918 whilst serving with 'B' Battery, 122nd Brigade, RFA, and was buried at Gordon Dump Cemetery, Ovillers-La Boisselle, Somme, France (grave id. V.A.8). He is remembered on the Park Walk War Memorial and on the Holy Trinity Memorial, now in St. Peter's Church, Shaftesbury.  

  • Names on Park Walk War Memorial 1
  • Park Walk War Memorial 2
  • Park Walk War Memorial 1
  • Holy Trinity Memorial in St. Peter's Church 3
  • Holy Trinity Memorial in St. Peter's Church 2
  • Holy Trinity Memorial in St. Peter's Church 1

Links to related web content / sources:
Commonwealth War Graves Commission
The National Archives
Names on St. James' War Memorial 2

Arthur Edwin Mayo

Surname: Mayo
Other names: Arthur Edwin
Other people in this story:
Edwin Mayo
Georgina Mayo née Mullins
Ernest Mayo
Locations in this story:
France & Flanders
Tyne Cot Memorial, Flanders
Layton Cottages, Layton Lane, Shaftesbury
St. James' Church, Shaftesbury
Holy Trinity Church, Shaftesbury
St. Peter's Church, Shaftesbury

Arthur Edwin Mayo was born on 8th October, 1895 in Shaftesbury and baptised at Holy Trinity Church on 29th December,1895. He was the son of Edwin Mayo, a plumber, and Georgina Mayo (née Mullins). At the time of the 1911 Census he was single, working as a printer's apprentice and living at 2 Layton Cottages, Layton Lane, Shaftesbury. He enlisted as a Private in the 1st Battalion of the Coldstream Guards (Service No. 17092). He served in France and Flanders and was awarded the Victory and British War medals. He was presumed killed in action on 17th September 1917 and as his body was not recovered his name appears on the Tyne Cot Memorial, Flanders (Panels 9 to 10). He is remembered on the Park Walk and St. James’ War Memorials and on the Holy Trinity Memorial, now in St. Peter's Church, Shaftesbury. Inside St. James' Church his name also appears on the Roll of Honour and is commemorated on a Stations of the Cross plaque.  His mother was eventually in receipt of a pension commencing at 3s. 6d. (17 1/2p) per week. Arthur's brother Ernest (b.1898) also served in the war, with the Machine Gun Corps.  

  • Names on Park Walk War Memorial 2
  • Shaftesbury Park Walk War Memorial 03
  • St. James' Roll of Honour
  • St. James' War Memorial
  • Arthur Mayo plaque in St. James' Church
  • Holy Trinity Memorial in St. Peter's Church 3
  • Holy Trinity Memorial in St. Peter's Church 2
  • Holy Trinity Memorial in St. Peter's Church 1
  • St. James, Shaftesbury 4

Links to related web content / sources:
Commonwealth War Graves Commission
The National Archives
Ernest Mayo
Reginald Robert Foot headstone

Reginald Robert Foot

Surname: Foot
Other names: Reginald Robert
Other people in this story:
Robert Foot
Annie Millicent Foot nee Gould
Locations in this story:
St. Peter's Church, Shaftesbury
Holy Trinity Church, Shaftesbury
Salisbury Street, Shaftesbury
Limerick Military Hospital, Ireland
St. Rumbold's Church, Cann, Dorset
France & Flanders

Reginald Robert Foot was born in 1888 in Shaftesbury and baptised in St. Rumbold's Church, Cann, Dorset, on 10th January, 1888. He was the son of Robert Foot, a tailor, and Annie Millicent Foot (nee Gould). At the time of the 1911 Census he was single, working as a carpenter and living at 42 Salisbury Street, Shaftesbury. He enlisted in the Royal Welsh Fusiliers (Service No. 39652) on 11th December, 1915 and put on Reserve. He was mobilized on 1st May, 1916, and posted to the 49th Battalion on 29th June, 1916, where he saw service in France & Flanders and later with the 3rd Battalion in Ireland. He was selected as a potential instructor on 2nd September, 1918, and promoted to Lance Corporal. He was awarded the Victory and British War medals. He died on 7th February 1919, whilst serving with the 3rd Battalion, of influenza and pneumonia at Limerick Military Hospital, Ireland, and was eventually buried south of the church in Holy Trinity Churchyard. He is remembered on the Park Walk War Memorial and on the Holy Trinity Memorial, now in St. Peter's Church, Shaftesbury .  

  • Park Walk War Memorial 3
  • Names on Park Walk War Memorial 1
  • Shaftesbury Park Walk War Memorial 03
  • Holy Trinity Memorial in St. Peter's Church 3
  • Holy Trinity Memorial in St. Peter's Church 2
  • Holy Trinity Memorial in St. Peter's Church 1

Links to related web content / sources:
Commonwealth War Graves Commission
The National Archives
Names on Park Walk War Memorial 2

Frederick Miller

Surname: Miller
Other names: Frederick
Other people in this story:
Frederick Nichols Miller
Edith Miller nee Hedges
Locations in this story:
Whitfield, Northants
France & Flanders
Mesnil Communal Cemetery Extension, Mesnil, Somme, France
Broad Street, Syresham, Brackley, Northants
Holy Trinity Church, Shaftesbury, Dorset
St. Peter's Church, Shaftesbury, Dorset

Frederick Miller was born in 1899 in Whitfield, Northants. He was the son of Frederick Nichols Miller, a Grocer, and Edith Miller (nee Hedges). At the time of the 1911 Census he was single, a scholar and living at Broad Street, Syresham, Brackley, Northants. He enlisted in Coventry (giving Shaftesbury, Dorset, as his residence) as a Private in the 35th T.R. Battalion of the Dorsethsire Regiment (Service No. 31498). He later transferred as a Rifleman to the 1st Battalion of the Kings Royal Rifle Corps (New Service No. 44994). He served in France and Flanders and was awarded the Victory and British War medals. He was killed in action on 1st April 1918 and buried at Mesnil Communal Cemetery Extn., Mesnil, Somme, France (grave id. II.C.14). He is remembered on the Park Walk War Memorial and on the Holy Trinity Memorial, now in St. Peter's Church, Shaftesbury.  His personal effects were eventually sent to his father.  

  • Park Walk War Memorial 1
  • Holy Trinity Memorial in St. Peter's Church 3
  • Holy Trinity Memorial in St. Peter's Church 2
  • Holy Trinity Memorial in St. Peter's Church 1

Links to related web content / sources:
Commonwealth War Graves Commission
The National Archives
Harry Gray memorial scroll

Harry Gray

Surname: Gray
Other names: Harry
Other people in this story:
John Thomas Gray
Linda Louisa Gray nee Jenkins
Sidney Charles Gray
Frank Gray
Locations in this story:
Cann, Shaftesbury
France & Flanders
Lijssenthoek Military Cemetery, West Flanders, Belgium
St John's Hill, Shaftesbury
St. James' Church, Shaftesbury
St. Peter's Church, Shaftesbury
Holy Trinity Church, Shaftesbury
Motcombe, Dorset
Enmore Green, Shaftesbury

Harry Gray was born on 19 Feb 1898 in Cann, Shaftesbury, Dorset, and baptised at Holy Trinity Church on 28 Mar 1898. He was the son of John Thomas Gray, a carter, and Linda Louisa Gray (nee Jenkins). His siblings included Sidney Charles, (b.1890), who also died in the war and Frank (b. 1895) who served in the Royal Navy until his final discharge in 1945. At the time of the 1911 Census Harry was single and at school living in Enmore Green, Shaftesbury, the family later moving to St. Johns Hill, Shaftesbury. He enlisted as a Private in the Dorsetshire Regiment (Service No. 18971) but later transferred to the 2nd Battalion of the Devonshire Regiment (New Service No. 30809). He served in France and Flanders and was awarded the Victory and British War medals. He died of wounds on 16th August 1917 and was buried at Lijssenthoek Military Cemetery, West Flanders, Belgium (grave id. XVII.AA.12A). He is remembered on the Park Walk, Shaftesbury, the Enmore Green and St. James’ war memorials in Shaftesbury. His name also appears on the Motcombe War Memorial, the Roll of Honour inside St. James’ Church and on the Holy Trinity Memorial, now in St. Peter's Church, Shaftesbury.  

  • Park Walk War Memorial 4
  • Names on Park Walk War Memorial 1
  • Park Walk War Memorial 2
  • Park Walk War Memorial 1
  • St. James' Roll of Honour
  • Names on St. James' War Memorial 2
  • Names on Motcombe War Memorial 1
  • Motcombe War Memorial 4
  • Motcombe War Memorial 02
  • Motcombe War Memorial 01
  • Enmore Green War Memorial 02
  • Enmore Green War Memorial 02
  • Enmore Green War Memorial 03
  • St. James' War Memorial
  • Harry Gray memorial card
  • Holy Trinity Memorial in St. Peter's Church 3
  • Holy Trinity Memorial in St. Peter's Church 2
  • Holy Trinity Memorial in St. Peter's Church 1

Links to related web content / sources:
Commonwealth War Graves Commission
The National Archives
Park Walk War Memorial 3

Frederick Charles George Morgan

Surname: Morgan
Other names: Frederick Charles George
Other people in this story:
Charles John Morgan
Mary Ellen Morgan née Mullens
Locations in this story:
Shaftesbury, Dorset
France & Flanders
Pozieres Memorial, Pozieres, Somme, France
Enmore Green, Shaftesbury
Holy Trinity Church, Shaftesbury
St. Peter's Church, Shaftesbury

Frederick Charles George Morgan was born on 1st October, 1898 in Shaftesbury and baptised at Holy Trinity Church on 30th October,1898. He was the son of Charles John Morgan, a furnaceman, and Mary Ellen Morgan (née Mullens). At the time of the 1911 Census he was single, a scholar and living at Enmore Green, Motcombe, Shaftesbury. He enlisted with the Territorial Force on 13 Nov 1915, giving his address as 27 Bimport, Shaftesbury, Dorset, and joined the 4th Battalion of the Dorsetshire Regiment as a Private (Service No. 3689)  but was discharged almost immediately as being underage on 16 Nov 1915.    He re-enlisted in time and joined the 2nd Battalion of Princess Charlotte of Wales's (Royal Berkshire) Regiment (Service No. 38573). He served in France and Flanders and was awarded the Victory and British War medals. He went missing and was presumed killed in action at the Somme, France, on 2nd April 1918 and his name appears on the Pozieres Memorial, Pozieres, Somme, France (Panels 56 & 57). He is remembered on the Park Walk War Memorial and on the Holy Trinity Memorial, now in St. Peter's Church, Shaftesbury.  His father eventually received a pension of 5s. (25p) per week.  (Many of the records refer to Frederick with differing third christian names(either James or John) but his given address in Shaftesbury remain constant.)  

  • Names on Park Walk War Memorial 2
  • Park Walk War Memorial 1
  • Holy Trinity Memorial in St. Peter's Church 3
  • Holy Trinity Memorial in St. Peter's Church 2
  • Holy Trinity Memorial in St. Peter's Church 1

Links to related web content / sources:
Commonwealth War Graves Commission
The National Archives
Sidney Gray memorial card

Sidney Charles Gray

Surname: Gray
Other names: Sidney Charles
Other people in this story:
John Thomas Gray
Linda Louisa Gray nee Jenkins
Harry Gray
Frank Gray
Locations in this story:
Basra War Memoria, Iraql
Enmore Green, Shaftesbury
St. James' Church, Shaftesbury
St. Peter's Church, Shaftesbury
Holy Trinity Church, Shaftesbury
Motcombe, Dorset

Sidney Charles Gray was born in 1890 in Shaftesbury and baptised at St. James' Church, Shaftesbury, on 31st August, 1890. He was the son of John Gray, an agricultural labourer, and Linda Louisa Gray (nee Jenkins). His siblings included Harry, (b.1898), who also died in the war and Frank (b. 1895) who served in the Royal Navy until discharged in 1945. At the time of the 1911 Census he was single, working as a Mason's Labourer and living in Enmore Green. He had enlisted as a Territorial Private in the Dorsetshire Regiment (Service No. 298) and was later called up for duty with the 1/4th Battalion (New Service No. 200156). He served in Mesopotamia and was awarded the Victory, British War and Territorial Forces War medals. He died on 28th September 1917 and his name appears on the Basra War Memorial, Iraq (Panel 22 & 63). He is remembered on the Park Walk, Enmore Green and St. James' war memorials in Shaftesbury. His name also appears on the Motcombe War Memorial, on the Roll of Honour inside St. James’ Church, on the Holy Trinity Memorial, now in St. Peter's Church, Shaftesbury.  

  • Park Walk War Memorial 4
  • Park Walk War Memorial 2
  • Park Walk War Memorial 1
  • Names on Park Walk War Memorial 1
  • Names on St. James' War Memorial 2
  • St. James' Roll of Honour
  • St. James' War Memorial
  • Motcombe War Memorial 03
  • Motcombe War Memorial 02
  • Motcombe War Memorial 4
  • Motcombe War Memorial 3
  • Names on Enmore Green War Memorial
  • Enmore Green War Memorial 03
  • Enmore Green Memorial 01
  • St. James' War Memorial
  • Sidney Gray memorial scroll
  • Holy Trinity Memorial in St. Peter's Church 3
  • Holy Trinity Memorial in St. Peter's Church 2
  • Holy Trinity Memorial in St. Peter's Church 1

Links to related web content / sources:
Commonwealth War Graves Commission
The National Archives