George James Young

Surname: Young
Other names: George James
Other people in this story:
James Young
Emma Jane Young née Ricketts
Ernest Frank Young
Locations in this story:
Forest Farm, Motcombe, Dorset
Knoll View, Kilmington, Warminster, Wiltshire
St. Mary's Church, Motcombe, Dorset

George James Young was born in Motcombe, Dorset on 25 Nov 1893 and baptised there on 23 Jan 1894 the son of James Young and Emma Jane Young (née Ricketts). His family lived at Forest Farm, Motcombe. His brother Ernest Frank (b.1896) also served during the war, with the Somerset Light Infantry and the Labour Corps.

George enlisted in the Dorset (Queen's Own) Yeomanry on 6th December 1912, becoming a Corporal in due course (Service No. 422). He served in France and due to conditions in the field became disabled with Rheumatism. On 1st April 1915 he was discharged due to Myocardial Debility caused by his condition. There is no record of any medals being issued but he was awarded the Silver War Badge No. 116332. The 1921 Census shows him back at Forest Farm, Motcombe, now the Farmer due to the passing of his father in 1912. By 1939 he was living at Knoll View, Kilmington, Warminster, Wiltshire, where he was described as a farmer. He died on 13th June 1978 at Kilmington and was buried at St. Mary's Church, Motcombe, Dorset.

Source: Based on previous research by Ken Baxter.


Links to related web content / sources:
Ernest Frank Young
The National Archives